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This page contains:
Abya Yala - South America - Bolivia - The Andes - La Paz - Tiahuanaco - Titicaca - Copacabana - Wiñay Marka - Isla del Sol - Apolobamba - Kayawallas - Amazonia - Madidi - Paititi - Amauta Katari
This page contains:
Abya Yala - South America - Bolivia - The Andes - La Paz - Tiahuanaco - Titicaca - Copacabana - Wiñay Marka - Isla del Sol - Apolobamba - Kayawallas - Amazonia - Madidi - Paititi - Amauta Katari
According to wikipedia:
Abya Yala is the name given to the American continent by the Kuna people of Panama and Colombia before the arrival of Christopher Columbus and the Europeans. Literally it means “land of full maturity, or land of vital blood”.
Today, different organizations, communities, indigenous institutions and their representatives throughout the continent prefer its use to refer to the continental territory, rather than the term “America”
The use of this name is assumed as an ideological position for those who use it, arguing that the name “America” or “new world” would be those of the European conquerors and no of the originary people of the continent.
Not only the Kunas of Panama considered the American continent as one whole piece of land. All of the native cultures of the Abya yala considered themselves blood brothers and inhabitants of one whole and great nation. The property of land and borders where concepts introduced by the invaders. To retake the consciousness of our ancestors is a task put ahead of all of us who live in this territory. While we may be of different colors and nationalities, we are the sons of one mother.
Abya Yala is the bridge between the earth’s poles. It’s the spinal column of the planet. Together with eastern Asia, it forms part of the ring of fire, where the strongest spiritual energy is concentrated. The land and people of the Abya Yala, are for the Buddhists “the great dragon” and consider it -as it’s translated from the name Abya Yala, “land of full maturity”- as the place on the planet where the most advanced spiritual guides and centers exist
South America
Abya Yala is an organic being with two hemispheres joined by a thin waist. North America is the masculine side and South America the feminine side. It’s not strange that the uterus of this being is found on the feminine side. the amazon -that exists thanks to the Andes- is the largest and most bio-diverse forest in the planet. It is the life uterus, biological lab and main lung of our planet. As if this treasure where not enough, this continent has the longest mountain range -the Andes- the driest dessert -Atacama- the biggest river -the Amazon- the tallest waterfall -angel falls-, the world’s largest salt flat -Uyuni- and the list goes on.
Liberator Simón Bolívar achieved Independence of a vast territory in South America from the Spanish Crown. With time this territory was divided into the nations that we know today. Back then, the region presently occupied by Bolivia was called “alto Peru” meaning “upper Peru”, due to the high altitude plateau that existed here. In honor to its liberator Simon Bolivar, the “high Peruvians” decided to call their newly created nation “Bolivia”.
Liberator Simón Bolívar achieved Independence of a vast territory in South America from the Spanish Crown. With time this territory was divided into the nations that we know today. Back then, the region presently occupied by Bolivia was called “alto Peru” meaning “upper Peru”, due to the high altitude plateau that existed here. In honor to its liberator Simon Bolivar, the “high Peruvians” decided to call their newly created nation “Bolivia”.
Originally, Bolivia had twice the territory it has today. Since it was the most untamed, wild, unpopulated territory in south America -besides being in the middle-, it was easy for each neighboring country to take a piece from it. It is said that Bolivia was the beautiful women that everybody around her wanted. Its most painful territorial loss was the one that left Bolivia landlocked. For this reason Bolivia suffered a considerable delay in its development in comparison to its neighboring countries.
Within today’s borders, Bolivia hosts the encounter of South America’s three most important macro regions, which are the Andes, the Amazon and the Chaco. It remains the continent’s least populated country. It’s the forgotten jewel of South America, its geographical, cultural and energetic center. Oblivion and underdevelopment -burdens that have forced half of the Bolivians to live outside their country- has its curious advantages. Ecologically speaking, Bolivia is one of the least devastated and exploited countries in the world. It preserves 85% of its original vegetation coverage.
Separation from the sea has affected its inhabitants for centuries, making it more difficult for the Bolivians to have contact with the outside world. That’s why if you’re looking for modern traits in a Bolivian like professionalism, punctuality, and competitiveness, you probably will find them disappointing. But the isolation has brought other curious social advantages like making Bolivia the least criminal and dangerous country in South America. People here still leave their doors open, trust their neighbors, leave things unattended and are very trust worthy; traits that can no longer be found in neighboring countries like Peru and Brazil
The Andes
Seven thousand five hundred kilometers long, it is the longest mountain range in the world. But saying “Andes” not only refers to the geography, but to a cultural nucleus that is as vast as the mountains that hosts it. In great part of the Andes, from Ecuador to Argentina, Quechua is spoken. It is the most spoken indigenous language in the American continent. More than seven million people share different dialect variations of this characteristic language of the Incas.
In its center, the mountain range changes direction from southeast to southwest, it widens and forms a high altitude plateau. This plateau is the Crown of the Andes, and Titicaca Lake is the jewel of the crown. This central region of the Andes is shared mainly by two indigenous nations, the Quechua and the Aymara, both considered as the most representative native groups of the Andes. While the Quechuas live mostly in the valleys and eastern slopes, and have developed a “vallean” culture, the Aymara live in the highlands, the plateau and around Titicaca Lake and have a “high plateau” culture
La Paz
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City and Illimani |
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City and Illimani |
The soft and regular highland plateau ends abruptly facing the majestic Illimani Mountain, yielding its soft regularity and precipitating towards an impressive canyon that carves the highland and the “Cordillera Real”, draining its waters into the infinite amazon riversystem. It’s in this geologically unstable valley of more temeperate weather where the the Bolivian government headquarters and third largest city are located. The name of La Paz means “peace” and comes from the holy patron of the town “nuestra señora de la paz”, although the native name for this place is “chuquiaco marka” which means “land of potatoes”.
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Valley of souls |
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Valley of souls |
La Paz has every “highest in the world” that exists, lake the highest stadium, highest airport, highest pool, etc. Besides being the world’s highest city (downtown is at 3,640 meters or 11, 942 feet), it is also the city with the most altitude differential. This means that there are houses at 2,800 high meters where it can be sunny and warm, and other houses at 4,200 meters where it can be cold and snowing, same city, same day. Every year during the rain season, the suburbs built on the steepest most unstable places suffer huge landslides that leave hundreds homeless. This place is no place to build a city, its geological complexity and extreme altitude are problems that inhabitants and visitors have to deal with every day. These last have to recurr to medical oxygen in their hotels to compensate for the weakness caused by high altitude. Many more are the curious facts, misteries and surprises of this, the only real city in the mountains that exists.
Tiwanaku or Tiahuanaco
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Site overview |
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Kalasasaya temple |
Very little that is oficially known about this misterious place. What archeaologist do agree on is that this is possibly the oldest city in the american continent. Data points to this place existing more than four thousand years ago, and that could be correct regarding the litic remains seen today, but what is oficially unknown is that this place has hosted civilizations for much longer. Oficial science can greatly limit what can be known about this place, Andean sages and wise men can be better sources of information to know the reality and the past of mithycal tiahuanaco.
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Masks of different cultures |
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Gate of the sun |
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See the figures formed? |
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Ancient and modern alive today |
Millions of years ago, a piece of the sea rose with the Andes and part of its waters were left landlocked forming a great lake. With time most of this lake dried leaving evidence like the Uyuni salt desert. Today’s lake is composed of fresh water subministered by glacier melt and rain water.
The name Titicaca derives from the words “titi” Aymara name given to a small Andean feline, and “kahka” which means “stain”. If we look at the lake with the south pointing upwards we can clearly see the figures of a human with long hair kneeling, stretching his hand to the mouth of a feline and a fish below both. This lake is heart of the Andes. Many think that South America’s energetic and geographical center is Cuzco or Machu Picchu, but no, it’s around Titicaca Lake where the first cultures developed.
As the world’s highest navigable lake, it’s so big it’s known as “the Andean sea”

Today, besides being the main pilgrimage destination in Bolivia, Copacabana is a main tourist port for visitors exploring Lake Titicaca.
Isla del Sol
Fountain of youth |
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1,000 ancient ladders |
The “Island of the sun” is located at the center of Titicaca Lake, and it’s certainly the most spectacular place you can visit within the Andean sea. The island is a steep mountain top that elevates two hundred meters above the water surface, having its summit at 4,020 meters. Two Aymara Indigenous communities make of the island their home. Innumerable cultivation terraces and small patches of planted eucalyptus forests give color and shape to island’s hillsides.
The Island hosts four archaeological sites of the Inca period. The first of this is found next to the island’s main ship port. Called “ladders of the Inca”, it consists of one thousand stone ladders that climb most of the mountain next to a water aqueduct that channels running water from a mountain spring. At the bottom of the ladder a fountain divides the brook into three streams. This still functional fountain from the Inca period has been called by some as the “fountain of youth”. The second archaeological site is, a small temple called the pilkokaina palace. The third is the Chinkana or labyrinth. Located at the north end of the Island, the chinkana is a complex labyrinth where priests where initiated to the cult of the sun. Next to it, the fourth and most important remain is the sacred rock. Andean tradition recounts that it was next to this rock where mankind sought refuge in an ancient apocalyptic flood, then from here repopulated the rest of the land. Inca tradition recounts this place as its cultural birthplace, from where Cuzco was founded afterwards.
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Chinkana labrynth |
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View from Island |
Wiñay Marka
Wiñay Marka is translated from Aymara language as “eternal land”. Today it is the name given to a section of Titicaca Lake also called the “minor lake” which if it wasn’t for the Tiquiña narrow it would be a totally separate lake. The name Wiñay Marka gives us insight on the history of the lake and the adjacent area. It is the eternal land that has never suffered from cataclysms and where mankind has sought refuge to later on repopulate the land.
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Male Condor |
Llamas in reserve |
The Andes mountain range is a great massif that only in a few places forms snowcapped mountains. In Bolivia, this happens in three independent mountain ranges, which are the western volcanic range, the Cordillera Real and the Apolobamba. The rest of the massif lacks permanent snow fields and glaciers and is composed of the high plateau, minor peaks and minor mountain ranges. The most known snowcapped mountain range in Bolivia is the Cordillera Real, which begins with Illimani in the south, facing La Paz, and ends with the Illampu in front of Titicaca Lake. The Apolobamba is shared between Bolivia and Peru, and is far from any main tourist attraction. For this reason it is unknown to most people. It is an amazingly beautiful mountain range full of glacial lakes. Its northern and eastern slopes descend towards the most remote and least explored tropical regions in the world, within them the Madidi National Park.
Town of Curva |
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The Akamani peak in the range |
Ritual offering |
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Kallawaya women |
It is the name of an indigenous group that lives at the feet of the Apolobamba Mountains. Kayawallas speak Quechua, but are more of “Aymara” tendency and have their own ritual language that only they know. Since there’s memory, these people have existed here and have been famous for being the greatest healers of the Andes; their wisdom is not limited to healing with medicinal plants, they practice a wide variety of spiritual type of healing. They are professional healing travelers that take their medicine to every remote corner in Bolivia and beyond. During the Inca Empire, the Cuzco royalty had their own personal Kayawallas to attend them. They became known to the world when they were taken to the Panama Canal by the Americans to help heal the thousands of people suffering from a malaria pandemic.
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Range of Amazon Forest |
It’s impossible to imagine something so vast, even less know it all. The amazon rainforest is, as probably everyone knows, the largest tropical forest in the planet, covering over seven million square kilometers. It is without a doubt the heart of mother earth, its life center and womb. It is also one of the oldest tropical forests in the world, from where the greatest variety of plant and animal species have evolved. This forest is shared by six countries which are: Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. It’s so vast that whole regions still exist within it that haven’t been explored, where non contacted native tribes still live, archeological sites remain undiscovered and many species of animals and plants haven’t been registered yet. Due to its landlocked situation and low population, it is possibly Bolivia the country where the amazon rainforest remains best preserved and least explored.
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Troop pigs |
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Native guide in Madidi |
Madidi is a native Mosetén Word (indigenous group that lives in the region) for a medium sized shiny back grey ant. In 1994 an expedition of conservation international explored a large unpopulated region in Bolivia between Titicaca Lake and the flood land savannahs of the heath river to the north. They determined that this could possibly be the most bio-diverse region in the world, and that the possibility to create large protected areas here was easy due to the low population pressure in Bolivia. One year later the Bolivian government decrees the Madidi National Park with an extension of one million eight hundred thousand hectares. Although it seems much, in reality it is only half of what should have been protected. Sixteen different types of eco-systems exist within the park created by altitude and humidity variations. Non-contacted human groups probably exist within the park’s boundaries, where barefoot human footprints and helicopter flyby pictures prove it. Together with other National Parks and reserves in Peru and Bolivia, they form the world’s largest protected area with over four million hectares. It is within this region that the mythical Paitití is located.
Village in Madidi |
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Spider Monkey |
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Ochoo tree in Madidi |

The New Paititi
The new Paitití is the project that incarnates the process necessary to retake the lost history of mankind. As we may already know, the universe and the planet are going through a critical phase of change into a new era of light. With this, many different star seeded people and channels begin to emerge. From one of these channels, a transcendent piece of information arrived to Amauta Katari called “the prophecies of Tiwanaku”. This book states that two initiation and preparation centers must be built, one near Titicaca Lake and the other near the lost city of Paitití. This was the decisive message that Amauta Katari was waiting that would indicate him that he was the person chosen to build the initiation and healing center in the region of Paitití. With his purpose now known, Amauta begins a two year long exploration process of the amazon region of northern Bolivia where he finally comes across the Candelaria Madidi organization and territory. It is through a conservation and tourism project that the New Paitití is becoming a reality.
The shaman initiation journey to the heart of the south is a key piece of the process for making this project happen. The initiates will visit the territory where the eco village will be built and carry out a ceremony that will serve as the healing center’s initiation.
Amauta Katari
Thirty years old, Julian Katari “Amauta Katari” is an old soul that lives bodily today. In this life, Julian was spiritually awoken when he was sixteen years old, following since a long journey of healing and apprenticeship with different shamans, wizards, healers, warriors, power places and indigenous people. Since then, Julian considered himself as a “warrior of light” who only pretended to learn and heal. Now, reaching thirty, he pretends to carry out his mission of helping people heal and discover their spiritual path and building an initiation and healing center in the heart of mother earth, the new Paitití
Learn more about Amauta Katari and his activities in