
Safety in Bolivia: Crime 

In comparison to it's neighbour's and other latin american countries, we could easily consider Bolivia as one of the safest countries to travel to in terms of crime related dangers. In countries like Peru and Mexico, taking advantage of other people has become culturally a h; text-align: center;">
Crime Rate in Latin American countries

Safety on the Journey

While overall Bolivia is a very safe country, People may be concerned about different safety issues on the journey. I have to try to "guess" what people may be afraid of, or think is a safety issue, since to me there are no real dangers. So we've established crime so far. 

Roads- The next safety issue that could be considered is road travel. It is a fact, Bolivia and the Andes have very dangerous roads. Throughout the journey, the roads we use are very safe except one. One of our principles is transparency and honesty, so we won't lie to you about this. The road to the shaman's village in the Andes, is somewhat dangerous, but it's a necessary risk if you want to see this amazing places. This particular road is not a huge concern, it is not one of the most dangerous, and travelling in a journey like this is a great safety guarantee. Normally if you where to take a bus, you would be going on a larger vehicle, which is more propense to fall off a curve, and you never know what state the driver may be in. Travelling in a private group like on this Journey is a safety guarantee since we choose the best drivers and insure that he's in a good state to drive. Plus we only use small vehicles which are a lot safer in these kind of roads. When we travel to the amazon, we don't take a road, we take a much safer and more comfortable flight.

Amazon- Some people think that the amazon rainforest is dangerous. Well it certainly is if travel by yourself without an experienced guide.  On the trips into the rainforest we provide a native guide with more than 40 years living and working in the rainforest, which makes it a completely safe experience.

  • To throw a few facts, there are 8 times more deadly poisonous animals in sub-humid and dry ecosystems than in humid rainforests. 
  • It is a lot easy to get dengue or malaria in a tropical city than in the rainforest.
  • And my favourite fact: Statistically it is a lot more dangerous to go out in the street in a city, than to go out to the forest with an experienced guide.